Regular Meetings of Council

PLEASE NOTE: Town Council Meetings are available to watch live on our Facebook Page and uploaded upon completion to our YouTube Channel. 

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Meet your Mayor and Council

New Council

Mayor Rick Dumas

Headshot of Mayor

Mayor Rick Dumas is currently serving his fifth term as your Mayor.

Rick was born and raised in Marathon, prior to running for council Rick operated many successful businesses before accepting a position with Marathon Non Profit Housing as facility's maintenance mechanic. Also volunteered and/or ran many organizations, men's fastball, men's commercial hockey, men's golf, Harley Owners Group (HOG) and youth bowling. Rick is now retired from his work but is still passionate about working and serving the Marathon residents.

Rick was first elected to council in 1991 during that time I took on many roles on, and chairing of committees and boards of council. Rick was elected Mayor in 2006 and then acclaimed in 2010, 2014 2018 and 2022.

Rick currently is the President of the Thunder Bay District Municipal League (TDML) a board member of Northern Ontario Municipal League (Noma) and is a board member on the OAPSB representing Zone1 also a board member of AMO’s northern caucus. Rick has also served has served as Chair and Member of the Police Services Board since 2006.

Rick enjoys spending time with friends and family, notably his son Jacob and daughter-in-law Ty and grandkids Sophia, Gabriel and Zackary, and his daughter Katarina and her dog Cleo. Rick enjoys playing golf and taking winter vacations to somewhere warm.

“As the Mayor, I bring over 29 years of experience to the Council table. With that experience and the team we have at the Council table, we are committed to make Marathon a great place to live, work and play. We are focused on our vision statement to make Marathon a superior community. As always, I am dedicated to staying open-minded, being approachable, accessible, accountable and fiscally responsible.”


Gregory Vallance

 Headshot of Greg

At a young age, I had my sights set on pursuing post-secondary education and returning to Marathon to start my career as a young professional. As a graduate from Niagara College, I was able to return to Marathon and had the opportunity to work as the Coordinator for the Marathon Economic Development Corporation and intern for the Marathon & District Chamber of Commerce.

I am currently employed by Confederation College/Northwest Employment Works as an Employment Advisor working hand in hand with job seekers and employers to help them find the appropriate complement of man power for their organizations.

I am well connected and have built strong relationships with many different organizations and am humble by the endless opportunities this community bestows on us. Paired with my professional insight, I believe that I bring a fresh outlook and an open mindset to approaching important community challenges.

In the past, I have had the opportunity to serve as a Trustee for Superior Greenstone District School Board and as President of the Marathon & District Chamber of Commerce.

I have been and continue to be a strong advocate for the local business community and I am passionate about in youth migration and our ability to attract and retain young professionals to Marathon.

Ray Lake

Headshot of Ray

I have been a Councillor for the Town of Marathon since 2006 and am proud of how our community has continued to evolve in the face of substantial changes and pressures. I believe that Marathon is a community with a bright future and that good municipal government is essential in securing that future.

I am currently an English teacher at Marathon High School, but I also take great pride in the many community groups and projects I have been involved in. The work we do in small communities takes many forms and I know that many of us are coaches, board members, and volunteers of all sorts.

My belief in ‘quality of life' is what keeps my family in Marathon. We live in a community that is safe, contains great recreation opportunities, and allows us to live in a place where we know everyone. I am proud and happy to serve this community and look forward to our future together.

Todd Wheeler

Wheeler Headshot

I am a first-time Councillor, but a lifelong resident of Marathon. Marathon was a great community to grow up in, and I believe we can make it even better going forward. As a child I always thought I was going to be a politician someday, politics has always fascinated me, how groups of people work together to solve problems and move things ahead.

I left Marathon when I was 17 years old to attend Cambrian College in Sudbury Ontario, there I completed my Mining Engineering Technologist Diploma. I have worked in the mining industry ever since and in 2010 became a professional when I earned my Certified Engineering Technologist designation in the Province of Ontario. I have worked at Hemlo Mine site for over 13 years in varying roles from engineering to operating. Mining in the Marathon area has a big future, and I believe my skillset will be a benefit during this period.

I am currently an Automation Operator for Barminco Mining Services Canada at the Barrick Hemlo Mine site. I get to use cutting edge technology, that allows me to operate equipment safely that is located over 1 km underground while I stay above surface. Workplace and mining safety is a big passion of mine, I push myself and my coworkers to always work safe at set standards or above.

My core beliefs are safety, sustainability, conservation and community. Community over competition is a slogan I recently heard and feel strongly about. For a community to be successful everyone needs to work together to grow and be better, not fight within itself. A rising tide raises all boats.


David Giuliano



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