2025 Fees
Waste Transfer Station Tipping Fee - $129.00 per tonne
Waste Transfer Tipping Fee from outside the area - $193.50 per tonne
Minimum Charge at WTS - 6 (six) Bag Tags
Tipping Fee for non-hazardous contaminated soil - $50.00 per tonne
New rates were approved by Council on December 16, 2024.
Hours of operation will be 2pm - 6pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and 10am - 4pm Saturdays for Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Station.
Please pay attention to the Attendant who will provide instructions and directions.
Bag tags are available at Town Hall (from 9:00 am-4:00 pm), Circle K, Canadian Tire, SPG and Mobil Gas Bar.
Please follow the regulations regarding waste container size (189L max) and weight (20kg max). All waste inside the container must be in plastic bags, no loose garbage permitted. Place your containers at the curbside by 7am on the day of pickup.
Garbage and Recycling Calendars and Information
Printable calendars and flyers |
More information on Waste
Refrigerator/Freezer/Dehumidifier Drop-off |
Refrigerator tag must be purchased by anyone disposing of an old refrigerator/freezer or dehumidifier. Appliances must be dropped off at the Waste Transfer Station on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Please affix the sticker on the interior rear wall of refrigerator and remove the door(s)! Tags can be purchased at the Town Hall and the fee is $55.00. |
Seasonal Yard Waste (May – Oct) |
The Town of Marathon wishes to advise residents that your yard waste can be disposed free of charge at the recycling center of the Waste Transfer Station (WTS). Residents may bring leaves, grass clippings and small branches to the transfer station in kraft paper bags. This service is in keeping with Town Council's policy of waste diversion whenever possible and will be a further alternative to illegal dumping on surrounding green spaces and crown lands. Marathon's Council and Administration are always looking for ways to divert waste and this additional material stream is a welcome addition to an already robust recycling program which includes:
Household Hazardous Waste Depot |
Open in May Household Hazardous Waste Depot – during regular WTS hours where residents can drop off Household Hazardous Waste for free, with the exception of automotive/marine batteries which require two (2) bag tags. Bring Us Your Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Antifreeze, Driveway Sealer, Paint & Varnish , All types of Batteries, Cleaning Solutions, Aerosol Cans, Bleach, Fertilizers, Herbicides & Pesticides, Motor Oil |
Please do not include the following items in curbside garbage:
- Any explosive or highly combustible materials of any nature whatsoever;
- Liquor or semi-liquid waste;
- Manure from or carcasses of any animals;
- Major appliances or large household furnishings;
- Bio-medical or household hazardous waste;
- Automobiles or vehicles or any parts thereof;
- Propane Tanks and Batteries;
- Waste electronics and electrical equipment that can be disposed of at the Recycling Centre; and
- Any products or contents which cannot readily be placed in a proper type “A” or type “B” container.
Plastic Recycling Program Expansion
The Town of Marathon is excited to announce the expansion of the recycling of plastics. We are now accepting plastics labelled 1-7. Please note that all recyclables must be cleaned, we cannot accept any contaminated plastics. Place at the curbside in blue bags on your regular recycling days.
More information on Recycling
The Recycling Centre accepts the following: |
plastic containers (remove lids), food, beverage, metal and aluminum cans (rinse cans), aluminum foil wrap and trays, milk cartons and juice boxes (remove straws), newspapers, flyers, magazines, hardcover books (remove covers), telephone books, egg cartons (not styrofoam), cores from paper towels, toilet tissue rolls, cereal boxes (remove liners) office paper, envelopes, paperbacks, household and fine paper, clean wood, clean metal and bicycles. |
Recycling Electronics – What WEE (Waste Electronic Equipment) Products can I bring? |
For more information on recycling your electronics, please call (807) 229-1340, or access the Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) website. Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) – The Town of Marathon has been awarded with a certificate for their Excellence in the delivery of 26.53 kilograms per household of E-Waste that was diverted from our landfill site. We would like to thank all residents and business owners for their recycling efforts. Keep up the great work!!!! |
Reasons for Recycling
The Environmental reasons for recycling:
- Saving natural resources
- Every tonne of paper recycled saves up to 17 trees saving landfill space
- Landfills are under pressure from increases in waste
- Reducing pollution saving energy
The Economic reasons for recycling:
- Saves $$ in waste disposal costs through reducing volume to the waste stream
- Recycling services are designed to be very competitive when compared to the alternatives and creates employment
- Costs such as tipping fees can be immediately saved
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Orange Drop is an industry-funded recycling program aimed at keeping hazardous and special waste materials out of Ontario's landfills and waterways. The Orange Drop Program allows Ontarians to return designated materials to local Municipal HHW Depots, retail sites and collection events across Ontario. Visit the Orange Drop website.
Frequently asked questions about garbage and recycling in Marathon
Is garbage collection covered under By-Laws? |
Residential garbage collection is under Municipal By-Law No. 1890, being a by-law for establishing and maintaining a waste management system in the Town of Marathon. |
Is there a Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedule and Map? |
Yes see above under printable calendars. |
How must waste be contained? |
Your garbage is your responsibility until it is collected. Please place all garbage, rubbish or other refuse in proper type “A” containers, or in receptacles placed in type “B” containers. Please drain off all liquid matter from your waste before placing in the receptacle and/or proper containers. All table and compostable kitchen waste, not suitable for composting, shall be well wrapped in paper. The householder shall be responsible to remove and dispose of, in an approved manner, any accumulation of scattered garbage, waste or rubbish, that may result from tipped-over proper type “A” or “B” containers. |
What size is an approved container? |
A proper type “A” container means any container constructed of metals or plastics of volume not less than 2.73 cu. ft. 17 Imperial gallons or 77.28 litres and equal to or less than 5.77 cu. ft. 35.94 Imperial gallons or 163.39 litres with a tight fitting lid, carrying handles and capable of being readily sanitized and having maximum capacity of garbage not more than 40 lbs. (18.14 kilograms), commonly known as a Store Purchased Garbage Can. A proper type “B” container means a homemade mobile or stationary bin-type container made of metal, plastic and/or wood where the volume is larger than type “A” container. Receptacle means a 1-1/2 mm or greater plastic garbage bag of not more than 1.77 cu. ft. (50 litres), no more than 4.25 cu. ft. (120 litres) capacity, filled to a gross weight of not more than 40 lbs. (18.14 Kilograms) and secured tied in such a way as to allow a garbage collector to carry it in one hand. |
How is a bag tag attached? |
Every proper type “A” container and all receptacles placed in proper type “B” container shall have a bag tag attached to the contents or around the neck of the bag in such a manner as to be clearly visible to the garbage collector upon removal of the container lid. Untagged receptacle bags or Type “A” containers will not be collected. |
Where can bag tags be purchased? |
Bag tags are available at the Municipal Town Office or the Recreation Complex Office during regular business hours and retail outlets. |
What time is curbside pick-up? |
Always have your garbage out at the pick-up point between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on the day of pick-up. The truck may not always come at the same time every week, but your collection will be only guaranteed if it is out on time on the pick-up day designated to your area. During extreme weather conditions such as winter storms, your collection may be delayed but will be completed during the day. |
How do recyclables get collected? |
All recyclables will be placed at the curb in blue plastic bags. Recycling pick up is every second week. See Collection Calendar (top of page) for a list of recyclable items and dates. Metals, plastics and foil is to be sorted into one bag and fibres into another bag. |
For more information on any of the Waste Transfer Station contact the Town Office.
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