In Marathon, we ensure that our schools are safe, secure, and offer several extracurricular activities. Our educational programs offered at the primary, secondary and post-secondary levels provide students extraordinary learning opportunities, to prepare them as they embark on new and exciting career paths.
Primary Schools
P.O. Box 660, 21 Chisholm Trail
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-3050
Fax: 807-229-3034
School Type: English Public
P.O. Box 2038, 23 Penn Lake Road
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-1121
Fax: 807-229-3083
School Type: English Catholic
P.O. Box 669, 10 Penn Lake Road
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-2000
Fax: 807-229-3305
School Type: French Catholic
Secondary Schools
P.O. Bag “H”, 14 Hemlo Drive
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-1800
Fax: 807-229-0117
School Type: English Public
École Secondaire Cité-Supérieure
P.O. Box 2130, 14 Hemlo Drive
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-0557
Fax: 807-229-0937
School Type: French Public
Literacy/Numeracy Skills Development
Marathon Public Library - by appointment only
Please call Jill McRae Instructor / Coordinator (807) 823-0948
Post-Secondary Schools
Confederation College – Northshore Campus
P.O. Box 520, 14 Hemlo Drive
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-2464
Fax: 807-229-3393
Confederation College operates a satellite campus in Marathon which acts as the coordinating focal point for college education programming. The campus provides a wide range of programs and courses designed to meet the needs of the local labour market. Furthermore, a number of post-secondary institutions operate facilities within a 400 kilometer radius (4 hours drive) east of Marathon, and a 300 kilometer radius (3 hour drive) west of Marathon. These educational institutions offer a variety of training, education and research programs and services, ranging from different sectors, industries and disciplines.
14 Hemlo Drive
Marathon, ON
P0T 2E0
Phone: 807-229-2790
Contact Us
Town of Marathon
P.O. Box "TM" 4 Hemlo Drive
Marathon, ON P0T 2E0
Main: 807-229-1340 | Fax: 807-229-1999
Email Us