Please Note: The Business Licence By-Law is currently under review and will be brought forward to Council in the near future. Once the time comes we will reach out those licences that might be affected if and when changes are approved. 


Businesses in the Town must be licensed by the Town of Marathon to operate legally. We require business licences to help ensure the safety of our citizens and your customers. The Town issues licences for stationary businesses, mobile businesses and home based businesses.

New Businesses (not currently licenced with the Municipality)

To apply for a business licence please complete the Business Licence Application Form (for a new or not yet approved business).

Business Licence Renewals 

If you are a current business provider and need to complete your annual renewal, you can complete online via the button below.

Starting January 2024 the Town will no longer be issuing yearly stickers. Businesses will be required to print a new licence after renewal each year. These will be emailed immediately upon renewal.

Renew my Business Licence

If you have any questions please contact our By-Law Officer.

Contact Us

By-Law Enforcement Officer
4 Hemlo Drive, PO Bag "TM", Marathon, ON P0T 2E0
Email address -
Phone 807-229-1340 x2250 | Fax 807-229-1999
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