Vacant Properties
The following properties are available for development. Interested parties should develop a plan outlining their intentions for the property. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by Council. If successful, the developer will enter into an agreement with the Town.
Further questions can be directed to Chuck Verbo.
Industrial Properties |
Industrial Court Lot 12 (Minimum bid $100,000) - Purchase of Municipal Surplus Lands Form |
Residential Lots |
None at this time. |
Other Properties |
McCullough Street Lot 339 (next to 2 McCullough Street - northeast side) 85 Evergreen Drive 55R5740 Part 25 86 Evergreen Drive 55R5740 Parts 42 & 43, Parcel 23235 Chisholm Trail 55M598 Blocks 10-12 (ZONED MULTI-RESIDENTIAL) |
Tax Sales
57 Peninsula Rd. - CLOSED
59 Peninsula Rd. - CLOSED
Residential House Sale
38 La Verendrye
PRICE REDUCTION (minimum bid $175,000 43% Reduction $100,000)
- Engineering Report (foundation issue)
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